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Research Paper

Where illness or other verifiable cause prevents timely submission of the summative assessments,


Assessment Point 2


Module title: LJMU-7506-BEPG, Strategic Project Management Assessment point: Final Assessment Point (Week 8)

Assessment task: Report (Case Study)

Word count limit: 3000 +/- 10% (excluding references and appendices) Weighting: 60% of overall module grade


Extenuating Circumstances

Where illness or other verifiable cause prevents timely submission of the summative assessments, you are required to contact the Unicaf Extenuating Circumstances team in the first instance, via extenuating.circumstances@unicaf.org, for further information on how to make an appropriate request for consideration of your circumstances. It is important to note that any request must be made to the mentioned team in advance of the originally stipulated deadlines, otherwise shall be considered as late and will not be reviewed further unless valid independent evidence exists to support that you could not have reasonably gotten in touch any sooner.


Academic misconduct, including plagiarism

Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic misconduct. By submitting the assignment, you declare that it is your own work and that the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully identified and properly acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also acknowledge that the faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct, which, if proven and dependent on the severity level of the offense, may result in a penalty that could affect your progress.

By submitting your work, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the above statements.


General Guidance

Your assignment should be MS-Word processed (handwritten assignments are not accepted), using Times New Roman size 12 font, double spaced, with numbered pages and your student number printed as a footer on every page. Please note that this report is supported by academic research, so you should adhere to the appropriate referencing guidance. Please note that your assignment will be submitted via the Turnitin software. This allows us to monitor and deal with plagiarism.


The word limit stated for this assignment excludes the list of references at the end of the assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment (including direct quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs). Please be aware that exceeding the word limit will affect the academic judgment of the piece of work and may result in the award of a lower mark. Appendices are not considered a supplement and will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment. As such, they will not contribute to the grade awarded; however, it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a useful reference for the reader. Please note that appendices are not included in the word count. Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignment.


The majority of references should come from primary sources (e.g. journal articles, conference papers, reports, etc.), although you can also utilize area-specific textbooks. You must ensure that you use the Harvard style of referencing.


Marking and assessment

This assignment will be marked out of 100% and contributes to 60% of the total module mark. The pass mark is 50%.




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