1. Doggie Day Care
I’ve given you the TestDog class code
Do This: Write a Dog class that will pass the tests contained in our test class. Do NOT change
anything in our test class!
Your Dog class must provide the following methods to adequately pass our tests:
* __init__ (takes a string name of dog, int age and Boolean indicating a purebred or not),
* is_purebred (returns True or False depending on if the dog is a purebred)
* clone (makes a non-mutated copy of the current object)
* __str__ returns a string representation of the object
* __eq__ returns True or False when comparing two instances of the Dog class
import unittest
from Dog import Dog
class TestDog(unittest.TestCase):
''' class to test all the methods of the Dog class
imports from TestCase
* __init__,
* is_purebred,
* clone (makes a non-mutated copy of the current object)
* __str__, represent the Dog as a string
* __eq__, compare current object with another Dog. Are they equal?
def test_init(self):
d = Dog("Fido", 10, True)
self.assertEqual(d.name, "Fido")
self.assertEqual(d.age, 10)
d2 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
self.assertEqual(d2.name, "Fifi")
self.assertEqual(d2.age, 11)
def test_bad_init(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
d = Dog("Fido", -10, True)
def test_is_purebred(self):
d = Dog("Fido", 10, True)
d2 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
def test_eq(self):
d = Dog("Fido", 10, True)
d2 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
d3 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
self.assertTrue(d2 == d3)
self.assertFalse(d == d2)
def test_clone(self):
d2 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
d3 = d2.clone()
self.assertIsNot(d2,d3) # should NOT be same object!
self.assertEqual(d2, d3) # but SHOULD be equal!
def test_str(self):
d = Dog("Fido", 10, True)
d2 = Dog("Fifi", 11, False)
msg = "Purebred: Fido 10 years"
self.assertEqual(d.__str__(), msg)
msg = "NOT Purebred: Fifi 11 years"
self.assertEqual(d2.__str__(), msg)
def main():
unittest.main(verbosity = 3)
2. Equal Stacks
You may not modify the Stack class.
Write a function named equal_stacks that accepts two stacks of Dog objects as parameters and
determines if the two stacks are equal to each other. Two stacks are equal if (1) they contain the same
number of objects, and (2) the corresponding objects in each stack are identical, according to your
__eq__ method. Your function should return a Boolean.
Note: If you were unable to get your Dog class working in problem 8, you may assume we’ll use a
Stack of integers for this question.
For example, these stacks are equal...
s1 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s1.push(Dog(“Fifi”, 11, False))
s2 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s1.push(Dog(“Fifi”, 11, False))
... these stacks are not:
s3 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s1.push(Dog(“Fifi”, 11, False))
s4 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s1.push(Dog(“Fifi”, 5, True))
... and these stacks are not:
s3 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s4 = Stack()
s1.push(Dog(“Fido”, 10, True))
s1.push(Dog(“Fifi”, 11, False))
3. Predicate & Filter
(a) Write a predicate function (named predicate) that takes as input a single integer. It uses the
constant MAX_VALUE given below as the basis of its test. If the integer is less than or equal to
MAX_VALUE, your predicate function should return True. Otherwise return False.
● Name: predicate
● Parameters: an integer
● Returns: True or False, depending on if the parameter is less-than-or-equal-to
MAX_VALUE, or not
(b) Write a filter function called filter_at. Your function must take a list of integers as its only
parameter and return a new list that contains the integers for which your predicate() written in
part (a) returned True. Your filter_at() function MUST use your predicate() function for
its implementation.
Example (given MAX_VALUE == 10 as before):
x = [1, 2, 30, 4, 55, 6, 10, 20, 5, 100]
Gives this output:
[1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 5]
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