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C++ Programming

Write an application that creates an object of class BreathingRate, asks for the person’s information, and prints the information from that object like full name


Q no 1:-

During sports, a breathing monitor is used to observe the breathing rate of the sportsman. The maximum breathing rate in breaths per minute is 449 minus your age in months. The ideal breathing rate is a range that is 45–65% of the maximum breathing rate. Make a class called BreathingRate. The members of the class should include the first name,

last name, and date of birth of the sportsman. There should be separate attributes for the month, day, and year of birth. The class should have a zero-argument constructor that should initialize the attributes with your real information. The class should have a multiple argument constructor that receives this data as parameters. There should be set() and get() functions for all the attributes. The class should have a function getAge() function that calculates and returns the person’s age in months. Since you do not know

the current date so the function getAge should ask the user to enter the current month, day and year and then calculate the person’s age. There should be a function called getMaxBreathingRate that calculates and returns the person’s maximum breathing rate. A function getTargetBreathingRateRange calculates and returns the range of person’s target breathing rate.

Write an application that creates an object of class BreathingRate, asks for the person’s

information, and prints the information from that object like full name, date of birth,

prints the person’s age in (months), maximum breathing rate and target-breathing-rate range.

Write the output of the program if you run this program runs in DEV-C++. The output

should have your real information like full name, date of birth, maximum breathing rate

and target breathing-rate range.


  1. no 2

The Covid-19 issue has been in the news lately which has made the computerization of health records a necessity. This option is being handled carefully due to confidentiality and safety concerns. Automating health records would make it easier for patients to share their medical details and histories among various Doctors. Make a class called MedicalProfile for a person. The class should include the person’s first name, last name,

gender, date of birth (consisting month, day, and year of birth), height (in inches) and weight (in pounds). The class should have a zero argument that should initialize the attributes with your real information and a multiple argument constructor. There should be set() and get() functions for all the attributes. The class should have a function getAge() function that calculates and returns the person’s age in years. Since you do not

know the current date so the function getAge should ask the user to enter the current month, day and year and then calculate the person’s age. The class should have member

functions that calculate and return the body fat percentage, Calorie Requirements, and ideal weight.

The chart for body fat percentage is

Age Women Men

15-19 17.7% 8.5%

20-24 18.4% 10.5%

25-30 19.3% 12.7%

30-34 21.5% 13.7%

35-39 22.2% 15.3%

40-44 22.9% 16.4%

45-49 25.2% 18.9%

50-54 26.3% 20.9%

The formula for Calorie Requirements is

Male: = 13.397W + 4.799H - 5.677A + 88.362

Female: = 9.247W + 3.098H - 4.330A + 447.593


 W is body weight in kg

 H is body height in cm

 A is age

The formula for ideal weight is as following

Male: 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per inch over 5 feet

Female: 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per inch over 5 feet

Write an application that creates an object of class MedicalProfile, prompts for the

person’s information, prints the information from that object—including the person’s

first name, last name, gender, date of birth, height and weight—then calculates and

prints the person’s age in years, body fat percentage, Calorie Requirements and Ideal

Weight. The application should create a second object and initializes it using a copy

constructor and calls its relevant functions.

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