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Write an class mydata that takes in a vector of numbers and has the methods



In a single jupyter notebook file named hw2.ipynb create the following:

1. A sorting hat program that, when run, takes in a series of simple Y or N answers and returns your Hogwart's house.

2. Write an class mydata that takes in a vector of numbers and has the methods: mean and std (for standard deviation) returning the mean and standard deviation respectively. This should calculate the mean and standard deviation without using numpy.

3. Create a lag function as follows. It takes in a numpy vector, say a = numpy.array( [1, 6, 8, 4]) and an integer > 0. It then returns the list lagged by the integer value. So, lag (a, 1) will return [nan, 1, 6, 8] and lag(a, 2) will return [nan, nan, 1, 6]. That is, it gets rid of n values at the end and appends that many nan s at the beginning. Use numpy 's nan for the missing values. It should return a numpy array.

4. Using your code from 3, write a function that returns a function that lags by a specific amount. So, for example, if we name the function lagGenerator then lagGenerator (2) creates a function that lags by 2.




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