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C++ Programming

Write the declaration of a C++ class named circle containing only declarations of a public constant double named PI, a public double method named area that accepts a double parameter named radius and a public double method named circumference


Write the declaration of a C++ class named circle containing only declarations of a public constant double named PI, a public double method named area that accepts a double parameter named radius and a public double method named circumference with a single parameter of type double named radius, with all three being class members, not instance members.


Write C++ definitions of the methods area and circumference for the above-declared class.


What is the distinction between the declaration of a function or method and the definition of the same?


Why are data members of an instance of a class generally declared to be private or protected? Describe the differences between private and protected.


If the members of the circle class above were not class members, what additional items must be included for the class definition to be useful? Must these features be unique?  Explain.


Describe the naming and uses of C++ mutator, accessor and private helper methods of a class.


What are the four memory regions common to computer applications and explain their uses.


What is a ‘memory leak’ and how are they intended to be prevented in C++? How is this related to constructors and destructors for class instances?  Discuss the use of the keywords new and delete?


Explain the distinctions between the '.' and '->' address resolution operators when dealing with instances of a class.


Write a C++ example of using the cin stream to read a double and handling when the attempt to read a double fails.


Write a C++ example of writing a double to stdout (using cout) with a precision of 5 in a field width of 10, right justified in the field. Indicate what libraries must be included in order to do this.


Write a C++ example of opening an input file for reading as an ifstream, including any needed file inclusions, declarations and such. Use “versions.dat” as the input file name.


Write a C++ example of opening an output file for writing as an ofstream, including any needed file inclusions, declarations and such. Use “vnums.dat” as the output file name.


Write a C++ loop that reads from the file opened in question 13 and writes only the doubles read from versions.dat to vnums.dat as opened in response to question 14. Write data one number per line.  Note that you do not need to replicate the code from questions 13 and 14, only show the loop and its operations, along with detecting end-of-file and closing the files when done.


What is a “derived class”?


Write a C++ example of the first line of a declaration of a class named sedan derived from a class named car.


How must members of a parent class be declared in order for child classes of that parent to be able to access parent class members?


What is the effect of declaring a child class member function with the same name, parameters and return type as a parent class member function?


Given a child class member function of the same name as its parent class function, what is the effect of changing the parameter types used to call the function? What is this called?


Describe the components of the signature of a function and how these are used in resolving which version of an overloaded function to call.


What is meant when a class or method is described as being abstract?


Describe the is-a and has-a relationships between classes/instances.


What is meant when we describe a function or method as being “recursive”?


Describe the use of the throws keyword and give an example.


Write a C++ example of a try block with three different throw statements and the corresponding catch clauses.

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