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You have been asked, as a statistical expert, to co-author an article so that you can develop an equation to predict the weight loss


Instructions and Grading Rubric for Midterm Model Building Assignment


You have been asked, as a statistical expert, to co-author an article so that you can develop an equation to predict the weight loss during chemoradiation treatment of head and neck cancer patients. While you may not be an expert on chemoradiation treatment, your co-authors are certainly not experts in statistical modeling. So, you split up the work on the manuscript. Your co-authors will write the article Introduction and Discussion sections, and you will not only carry out the statistical modeling, but you will write the majority of the Statistical Methods section and the entirety of the Results section. The practical significance of this effort is that if we know what kinds of factors predict weight loss during chemoradiation treatment, we may be able to take steps to prevent weight loss ahead of time.


For this assignment, you will write the enhanced Statistical Methods and Results sections for a journal article. Thus, you should follow the author guidelines for a major journal (use the Journal of the American Medical Association, https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/pages/instructions for style instructions).   

Enhanced Statistical Methods (Units 6-7) 

Although the Methods section typically includes information on such things as study design, recruitment of subjects, etc. You are only responsible for writing up the Statistical Methods section (so do not worry about describing the subjects, etc.). This is an enhanced statistical methods section in that you should provide more detail than would normally be included in a health-care journal article. Unfortunately, most journals do not provide enough space for authors to adequately describe how statistical models will be tested. However, you should include adequate description of.

• the model-building process, 

• what statistical assumptions will be tested and how (indicate any limitations on model construction), 

• what procedures were used to identify predictors

• what procedures were used to refine or simplify the model. 

Target length: You should be able to adequately describe the statistical methods in about a page and a half.


 • Provide a description of the screening process to identify potential predictors. 

• Provide a description of at least two possible models (e.g., the initial model and a refined model). 

• Provide a description of how you determined which model is preferable and why. 

• Provide an interpretation of all major findings. For readability, use subheadings to indicate different sections within the Results section.

Example Article 

I have uploaded an example of a research article in which the authors create a predictive model. While the Methods section of this article is abbreviated, it is a good example of how the authors considered different models before ultimately deciding on a particular model (or, set of models). The authors do not use the same diagnostic procedures as you will be using, but that’s fine. Use the procedures that we covered in class. Do not worry about validating the models for this assignment. 

Additionally, pay close attention to the Land and Altman 2015 (included in Unit 7) for standards for reporting statistics and the Chui pdf on scientific writing.

Grading Rubric 

Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric. In addition to accuracy and rigor in the statistical procedures, you will be graded on writing style (including clarity, grammar and punctuation). 

 Overall (10%)


 • grammar and punctuation 

• clarity

Methods (20%) 

Criteria (thorough coverage on the following topics): 

• model-building process 

• assumption testing procedures

Results (70%) Criteria: 

• screening 

• initial and refined model(s) 

• interpretation of the final model



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