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Python Programming

You must create a Python program to implement the linear list by a doubly linked list.


Question 1 

 You can refer to SLinkedList.py to develop your codes.   

 (a) You must create a Python program to implement the linear list by a doubly linked list.   

You need to implement the following requirement of ADT of a Linear List and other operations which should contain the follow methods: 


isEmpty(): return  true iff the list is empty,  false otherwise size(): return the size of the list get(i): return the i th element of the list indexOf(el): return the index of the first occurrence of el in             the list, return -1 if x is not in the list 

remove(index):  remove and return the indexth element, elements with higher index  have their index reduced by 1 removeNode(Removekey): remove the node with given element, elements with higher index  have their index reduced by 1 

add(theIndex, x): insert x as the indexth element, elements with theIndex >= index have their index increased by 1 

addAtHead(x): inert the x at the beginning addAtTail(x): inert the x at the end listprint(): print the list getFromBack(i): get i th element counting from the back of the list. E.g. for list: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, getFromBack(1) will give 8 listprintFromBack(): print the linear list from the back to the front 


You should start with the following definition of the Node and the DLinkedList: class Node: 

    def __init__(self, el = None, n = None, p=None): 

        self.next = n         self.prev = p         self.element = el 

 class DLinkedList:    def __init__(self):         self.head = None         self.tail = None 


The program should contain the following main to test and run: 


#Testing Program def main(): 

    list1 = DLinkedList()     print(list1.isEmpty())     print("Size of list: ", list1.size())     list1.addAtHead("Fri")     list1.addAtHead("Thu")     list1.addAtHead("Wed")     list1.addAtHead("Tue")     list1.addAtHead("Mon")     list1.addAtHead("Sun") 


    print("List from the front", end=": ")     list1.listprint() 

    print("List from the back", end=": ")     list1.listprintFromBack() 


    print("Get from Index 2...", list1.get(2))     print("Remove Index 1.. ", list1.remove(1))      print("List from the front", end=": ")     list1.listprint() 

    print("List from the back", end=": ")     list1.listprintFromBack() 

     print("Index of Sun:", list1.indexOf("Sun"))     print("Index of Wed:", list1.indexOf("Wed"))     print("Size of list: ", list1.size())     print("Get from Index 1...", list1.get(1))     print("Try to add new node Bday")     list1.add(2, "Bday") 


    print("List from the front", end=": ")     list1.listprint() 

    print("List from the back", end=": ")     list1.listprintFromBack() 


    print("Try to Remove a node")     list1.removeNode("Wed") 


    print("List from the front", end=": ")     list1.listprint() 

    print("List from the back", end=": ")     list1.listprintFromBack() 


    print("getFromBack(3)", list1.getFromBack(3)) 

 if __name__ == "__main__": 



When the completed program is executed, it should give the following outputs: 

> python DLinkedList.py 


Size of list:  0 

List from the front: Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / 

List from the back: Fri / Thu / Wed / Tue / Mon / Sun / 

Get from Index 2... Tue 

Remove Index 1..  Mon 

List from the front: Sun / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / 

List from the back: Fri / Thu / Wed / Tue / Sun / 

Index of Sun: 0 

Index of Wed: 2 

Size of list:  5 

Get from Index 1... Tue 

Try to add new node Bday 

List from the front: Sun / Tue / Bday / Wed / Thu / Fri / 

List from the back: Fri / Thu / Wed / Bday / Tue / Sun / 

Try to Remove a node 

List from the front: Sun / Tue / Bday / Thu / Fri / List from the back: Fri / Thu / Bday / Tue / Sun / getFromBack(3) Tue 


(b) In this linked list implemented by doubly linked list, what operation(s) are improved in time efficiency? 


Question 2 



It is known that a complete binary tree with the post-order traversal gives  


x y * a b - + p  q +  3 * / 


(a) Draw the tree; 


(b) Give the level-order traversal   


(c) Give the arithmetical expression.  



Question 3 



You are required to create a class called Organization in Python.  When this class is called, it stores the information about an organization and they can be sorted by its site number.  (Note: You may  use the method sort() in List available in Python without working out the sorting details.) 


The class should contain the following instant variables: 


Fields Datatype 

id int 

site_no int 

name String 

region String 

city String 

workers int 

cost float 

revenue float 

industry String 


The class contains the following main() function. 


def main():     orgList =[] 

    orgList.append(Organization(123, 12, 'ABB', 'KO','Seoul', 100))     orgList.append(Organization(23, 23, 'JC MOVE', 'ML', 


    orgList.append(Organization(25699, 7, 'Voma', 'FF', 'Berlin', 

150, 225, 7600050, 'Electronics')) 

    orgList.append(Organization(123, 10, 'ENGG', 'PH','ML', 400, 


    orgList.append(Organization(40, 30, 'MOBileTech', 'VN', 'HoNiu')) 

    orgList.append(Organization(25699, 6, 'MaxHome', 'LON', 

'Walford', 100, 2935, 1609335, 'Construction'))     orgList[0].displayEmployee()     orgList[2].displayDetail()     print(orgList[0]) 

    print(f"Total Organizations {Organization.orgCount}")     orgList.sort() 

    print("The Organization with the minimum site number is ", orgList[0]) 

    print("The Organization with the maximum site number is ", orgList[-1]) 


When its main() called and executed, the following output is given. 


Name :  ABB , Rank:  12 , Employee:  100 

ID:25699, Name:Voma, Site:7, Employee:150, Industry:Electronics, City: Berlin, cost:225, revenue:7600050 ID:123, Name:ENGG has :10 Sites 

Total Organizations 6 

The Organization with the minimum site number is  ID:25699, Name:MaxHome has :6 Sites 

The Organization with the maximum site number is  ID:40, Name:MOBileTech has :30 Sites  



Question 4 



Part (a) 

You are required to complete the complete the following Python programme, numberGrouping.py,  so that it gives the outputs as expected.  It will generate a list of integers and group them according to the requirements.  


It contains 3 functions:  


1) nUniqueRandom – it  generates n unique random unique number a range of lower to upper number (including the lower and the upper). The default values of n =10, lower = 1 and upper 20 and it returns a list of number in ascending order. 

Hint: using random.sample 


2) getGroups - it generates 8 groups and each group has four items. The original list should be not changed in the order. 

Hint: Python Random shuffle() Method. 



3) showGroup – it shows the list in the required format. 

 Ref: Python Program to Access Index of a List Using for Loop https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/examples/index-for-loop  


[ numberGrouping.py ] import random 

 def nUniqueRandom(n= 12, lower=1, upper=20): 

 # Add Code # 

 def getGroups(list1, noOfGroup): 

 # Add Code # 

 def showGroup(L): 

# Add Code # 


# Main 

# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-main-function/ def main():     nums1 = nUniqueRandom()     print(nums1) 

    nums2 = nUniqueRandom(32, 1, 200)     print(nums2) 

    team_grouping =getGroups(nums1,3)     print(team_grouping)     print(nums1)     showGroup(team_grouping)     team_grouping =getGroups(nums2,8)     print(team_grouping)     showGroup(team_grouping) 

 if __name__ == "__main__": 



Sample Outputs: 


> python numberGrouping.py 

[1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] 

[1, 7, 12, 18, 20, 36, 41, 63, 70, 74, 80, 82, 87, 90, 97, 101, 102, 

104, 111, 126, 128, 130, 141, 152, 157, 162, 172, 179, 182, 185, 

189, 200] 

[[13, 19, 18, 12], [16, 17, 20, 1], [5, 8, 4, 7]] 

[1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] 

Group 1: Teams: [13, 19, 18, 12] 

Group 2: Teams: [16, 17, 20, 1] 

Group 3: Teams: [5, 8, 4, 7] 

[[90, 172, 36, 18], [200, 128, 152, 157], [7, 179, 102, 41], [130, 

20, 141, 162], [80, 104, 82, 12], [182, 1, 111, 63], [185, 189, 126, 

74], [70, 101, 87, 97]] 

Group 1: Teams: [90, 172, 36, 18] 

Group 2: Teams: [200, 128, 152, 157] 

Group 3: Teams: [7, 179, 102, 41] 

Group 4: Teams: [130, 20, 141, 162] 

Group 5: Teams: [80, 104, 82, 12] 

Group 6: Teams: [182, 1, 111, 63] 

Group 7: Teams: [185, 189, 126, 74] 

Group 8: Teams: [70, 101, 87, 97] 


> python numberGrouping.py 

[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20] 

[14, 15, 21, 24, 27, 30, 31, 34, 37, 41, 50, 61, 70, 83, 98, 102, 

104, 105, 108, 113, 114, 117, 127, 134, 141, 149, 154, 163, 168, 

177, 190, 198] 

[[3, 16, 13, 10], [19, 17, 1, 2], [5, 11, 8, 20]] 

[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20] 

Group 1: Teams: [3, 16, 13, 10] 

Group 2: Teams: [19, 17, 1, 2] 

Group 3: Teams: [5, 11, 8, 20] 

[[154, 117, 14, 104], [70, 141, 149, 134], [102, 114, 30, 61], [127, 

21, 15, 198], [163, 31, 108, 37], [27, 113, 50, 24], [98, 105, 34, 

83], [168, 177, 190, 41]] 

Group 1: Teams: [154, 117, 14, 104] 

Group 2: Teams: [70, 141, 149, 134] 

Group 3: Teams: [102, 114, 30, 61] 

Group 4: Teams: [127, 21, 15, 198] 

Group 5: Teams: [163, 31, 108, 37] 

Group 6: Teams: [27, 113, 50, 24] 

Group 7: Teams: [98, 105, 34, 83] 

Group 8: Teams: [168, 177, 190, 41] 


Part (b) 

You are required to complete the complete the following Python programme, teams.py,  so that it gives the outputs as expected.  It will generate a list of integers and group them according to the requirements.  I 


You need to fill up 2 more functions:  


4) getAbbv– Get the abbreviation of the given team name. 


5) getTeamName - Get the team name of a team abbreviation. 

The file teams_full.txt contains team name with tab separating the name and its abbreviation. 

 import csv 


# Ref: Importing Data from Tab Delimited Files with Python # https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/importing-data-from-tabdelimited-files-with-python 

# Ref:  Python | Remove spaces from a string 

# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-remove-spaces-from-a-string/ 

 def read_team_list(fname): 

     tnames = []     tabbvs = []     with open(fname, newline = '') as teams:    

        teams_reader = csv.reader(teams, delimiter='\t') 

        for team in teams_reader:             #print(team)             tabbvs.append(team[1])             tnames.append(team[0].lstrip(" "))     tabbvs.pop(0)     tnames.pop(0) 


    return tabbvs, tnames 

      def getAbbv(team_name, team_abbvs, team_names): 

# Add Code # 

 def getTeamName(team_abbv, team_abbvs, team_names): 

# Add Code # 

 def main(): 

    filename = 'teams_full.txt' 


    team_abbvs, team_names= read_team_list(filename) 


    print(team_abbvs[:5])     print(team_abbvs[27:33])     print(team_names[27:33]) 


    print("The abbreviation of Brazil is "+ getAbbv("Brazil", team_abbvs, team_names)) 

    print("The abbreviation of Tokyo is "+ getAbbv("Tokyo", team_abbvs, team_names)) 


    (idx, name) = getTeamName("GER", team_abbvs, team_names) 

    print(f"GER is {name} in index {idx}") 


    (idx, name) = getTeamName("HKG", team_abbvs, team_names)     print(f"HKG is {name} in index {idx}") 

 if __name__ == "__main__": 



Expected Outputs: 


> python teams.py 

['AFG', 'ALB', 'ALG', 'ASA', 'AND'] 

['BRA', 'VGB', 'BRU', 'BUL', 'BFA', 'BDI'] 

['Brazil', 'British Virgin Islands', 'Brunei', 'Bulgaria', 'Burkina 

Faso', 'Burundi'] 

The abbreviation of Brazil is BRA 

The abbreviation of Tokyo is NOT FOUND 

GER is Germany in index 74 

HKG is Hong Kong in index 86 



Part (c) 


Hence, with the above programmes, create a new python program teamGrouping.py to generate a random list of the teams from the given list of teams.  It should give 32 teams randomly and group them into 8 groups. 


The following are the suggested hints for your starting: 



from teams import * from numberGrouping import * 

 def getGrouping(team_grouping, team_abbvs, team_names): 

###  def showGroupInfo(groupLists): 

###  def getGroupList(filename, NoOfTeams, NoOfGroups): 

###  def main(): 

###  if __name__ == "__main__": 





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