Crime Rate Data description
This data set gives a variety of variables by US state at two time points 10 years apart. A variety of regressions and t-tests can be carried out with the main scale dependent being and Crime Rate (offences per million population) and t-tests with the independent being whether or not the state is in the south. Mostly discrete variables as they measure populations per 1000, there are some continuous variables such as those measuring expenditure.
Variable Description
CrimeRate Crime rate (number of offences per million population) Continuous
Youth Young males (number of males aged 18-24 per 1000) Discrete
Southern Southern state 1 = yes, 0 = no Binary
Education Education time (average number of years schooling up to 25) Discrete
ExpenditureYear0 Expenditure (per capita expenditure on police) skewed Continuous
LabourForce Youth labour force (males employed 18-24 per 1000) Discrete
Males Males (per 1000 females) Discrete
MoreMales More males identified per 1000 females 1 = yes, 0 = no Binary
StateSize State size (in hundred thousands) Discrete
YouthUnemployment Youth Unemployment (number of males aged 18-24 per 1000) skewed Discrete
MatureUnemployment Mature Unemployment (number of males aged 35-39 per 1000) Discrete
HighYouthUnemploy High Youth Unemployment 1 = yes, 0 = no (high if Youth >3*Mature ) Binary
Wage Wage (median weekly wage) Continuous
BelowWage Below Wage (number of families below half wage per 1000) Discrete
Note: The same variables are collected 10 years later and have 10 on the end.
For your assignment, please select three of the questions noted below (as designed by the numbers present) and complete the eight steps for them along with the appropriate statistical test. Each question is worth 25 points, your responses need to be written as a narrative as well as presenting your results in correct APA format.
1) Are there significant differences in state location and higher crime rates?
2) Relationship between crime rate and police expenditure? Or Relationship between crime rate and number of families below half wage?
3) Can the number of males to females predict the crime rate? Or Can number of families below half wage predict crime rate?
4) What factors are significant in predicting crime rates?
Diet data set
This data set contains information on 78 people using one of three diets. The dataset is primarily used for ANOVA.
Variable name Variable Data type
Person Participant number
gender Gender, 1 = male, 0 = female Binary
Age Age (years) Scale
Height Height (cm) Scale
preweight Weight before the diet (kg) Scale
Diet Diet Binary
weight10weeks Weight after 10 weeks (kg) Scale
weightLOST Weight lost after 10 weeks (kg) Scale
5) Are there gender differences for weight lost?
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