Homework #7 COT4930
You are to design a class called Card that will have the following requirements:
1) A 3 input constructor with the following prototype:
Card(int s, int v, Image im)
where s represents the suit of the card, v represents the value, and im is the Image of the card.
2) A Image getImage() method.
3) A int getValue() method.
4) A int getSuit() method.
Also, design a class called Deck that will have the following requirements:
1) A 2 input constructor with the following prototype:
Deck(Component comp, String fileCards)
where comp is a Component that is used to create images
and fileCards is the file path of the image of the cards.
The constructor will create a deck of 52 cards, with 4 suits between values of 0 to 3 and card values between values of 0 to 12.
The values should increase from 0 to 12 for the cards in this order: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,J,Q,K,A.
2) The constructor should not shuffle the deck, but should leave the deck in some logical order.
3) A void shuffle() method - which randomly shuffles the cards.
4) A Card getNextCardInDeck() method - which returns the next card in the deck.
5) A int getNumberLeftInDeck() method - which returns the number of cards left in the deck.
The Card and Deck class will be put in the edu.fau.COT4930 package.
You are provided a DeckTester class which will test the Card and Deck classes.
You will run the DeckTester and capture the results. There are 5 test cases that are displayed to the
console and a window display.
Change the DeckTester class by putting your name in the following command:
JFrame f = new JFrame("Put your name here");
In the card.gif file, there are images of all 52 cards. Each separate image is 71 pixels wide by
96 pixels high. You do not need to resize the images, just crop them for each card.
Files provided:
Submission to Canvas:
Create a folder. The folder name should be your last name with the homework number.
Example of my folder name would be: weiss-hw7
Put the following files in the folder.
1) Your completed Card.java and Deck.java files.
2) Images of the output displaying the results.
Now, zip the folder to create a .zip file.
Submit this single .zip file to Canvas.
Your program must match the listed requirements.
Your program must compile with no errors or warnings for full credit.
Your program must run and execute the above-listed requirements.
Your program must follow the Best Practices covered in class for full credit.
Your program must be adequately commented on for full credit.
Your program must be tested for full credit.
You must submit the test images for full credit.
The program must be submitted on time in order to receive any credit.
Late submissions will not be accepted or graded.
All programming assignments are individual work, sharing code is considered cheating.
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