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Jon CulshawComputer science

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Recent Statistics Questions & Answers

C Sharp Programming

This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UVs, normals and indices to create simplistic models procedurally

Assignment Goals: This assignment is meant to get you acquainted with the model creation through code. You will explore how to manipulate vertices, UV

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Write a sketch that edits a byte of data that is displayed on the LEDs (PORTE) the byte value should initially be 0.

 Arduino Programming Write a sketch that edits a byte of data that is displayed on the LEDs (PORTE).  The byte value should initially be 0.

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Normalization is a process of arranging the records within a database to prevent records insertion anomaly, redundancy, deletion as well as update anomaly.

Normalization, Converting the ERD  Database Design and Management Introduction Normalization is a process of arranging the records within a datab

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C Programming

To implement and test a C program using system calls for files and directories find the popular UNIX command that traverses a file hierarchy

To implement and test a C program using system calls for files and directories. Description Find is a popular UNIX command that traverses a file hie

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draw an ER diagram that correctly represents the business rules. Assume that the only business rules that hold are those stated, and that no additional business rules hold.

Problem 1 (40 points) Business rules to ER diagrams For each question below, draw an ER diagram that correctly represents the business rules. Assume

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Java Programming

how to implement a Monte Carlo simulation using die rolls the concepts covered in this lab are for loops, file input, and randomness.

Purpose: The lab this week will focus on learning how to implement a Monte Carlo simulation using die rolls. The concepts covered in this lab are for

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Data structures & Algorithms

Write a C++ class named Date having three data members day , month , year You class must have default and parameterized constructor

Write a C++ class named Date having three data members: day month year   Your class must have: A default and parameteri

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Let p(x|wi) ∼ N (µi, σ2) for a two-category one-dimensional problem with P (ω1) = P (ω2) = 2.

Problem 1. Let p(x|wi) ∼ N (µi, σ2) for a two-category one-dimensional problem with P (ω1) = P (ω2) = 2 Show that the mini

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Python Programming

In this homework, you will investigate restaurant food safety scores for restaurants in San Fran- cisco and sample score card for a restaurant.

1.1 Cleaning and Exploring Data with Panda 1.2 This assignment In this homework, you will investigate restaurant food safety scores for restaurants in

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Python Programming

Write a Python program to calculate software costs for a series of customers at the Acme Software Company.

Python Project Write a Python program to calculate software costs for a series of customers at the Acme Software Company.  Each software package

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