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what would you expect the relationship between u1 and u2 to be? Why?


This assignment requires only simple steps, but this may take time if you have not imple- mented these in Stata before. Please start early to avoid last minute rushes.

1. using Stata:

(a) set seed 260722;

(b) generate N = 100 observations of two random variables, u1 and u2 uniformly dis- tributed in the [0, 1] interval;

2. what would you expect the relationship between u1 and u2 to be? Why?

3. using Stata, regress u1 on u2 (including a constant term). What is the probability that the coefficient on u2 is non-zero? Comment in light of your answer to the previous question.

4. rerun your previous code, this time generating k = 10, 100 and 1000 trial pairs of random u1 and u2. For each such pair, perform the regression above. Do this for each of N = 10, 100 and 1000. Fill in Table 1, indicating in each cell the number of significant coefficients (at the 5% level) you find for each trial. (To illustrate, one cell is already filled in.)


10 100 1000

10 0

N 100


Table 1: Number of trials with regressor significantly different from zero at 5% level


5. do you notice anything unusual about the completed table? How do you make sense of this?

6. using Galton’s height data from the Harvard dataverse (click this link):

(a) generate the ‘midparent’ height, the average of the mother’s and father’s height;

(b) regress the child’s height on the midparent height;

(c) comment on the sign and significance of parental height as an explanatory variable for a child’s height.

The assignment is due on 10 August; it must not exceed 1000 words, including the Stata

.do file containing all your code.

Do not worry if some of these questions ‘stump’ you: while some questions are ‘mechanical’, others are designed to deepen your intuitions.



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