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This project in which you will use Tableau to analyze and reveal various relationships within a real-life, messy dataset


This is a group project in which you will use Tableau to analyze and reveal various relationships within a real-life, messy dataset. Potential data sets are available for review on Canvas in the Group Project Module. Each student will have an opportunity to enroll him/herself in a group on Canvas during the first class session, and some class time will be provided to discuss available data sets. While the data sets offered on Canvas may be used, anyone with a work- based data set they are willing and able to share may opt to use that instead. Regardless of the data set used for the group project, it is likely that groups will seek out additional data to use in conjunction with the base data set. 


There are 2 deliverables for the project. The first is an electronic copy of a Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx file) uploaded to Canvas, and the second is an executive summary, in hard copy, of the analysis. Both are due by the start of our 6th class session (March 21). Additional details for both the workbook and executive summary are given below.


A well-designed Tableau Packaged Workbook should have the following characteristics:

1.      Intuitive such that users familiar with Tableau can grasp how to use the Workbook and uncover interesting findings with minimal reference to the executive summary.

2.      Interactive such that users can easily filter and navigate across data.

3.      Visually appealing and well labeled.

4.      Informative such that users can use the Workbook to understand meaningful information about the company. 

Workbook Requirements

Your workbook should include a Dashboard and a Story. The Dashboard must: 

1.      Include several linked visualizations. There is no explicit number here – use your best judgement on what is too many or too few based on the story you are trying to tell.

2.      Be interactive.

3.      Include at least one filter.

4.      Include at least three calculated variables of some kind (table calculations included).

5.      Be something useful for the persona you have in mind – typically this would be an executive who wants to use this to make some kind of decision.

 The Story will be used to present your dashboard and data to the class (you can use the elements of your dashboard as a starting point for your story, but be sure to expand further to draw clear conclusions). You will have 15 minutes for the presentation, so keep it simple and brief. Include the following in your presentation (not necessarily in this order): 

1.      An overview of the basic functionality of your dashboard.

2.      An overview of the data you used.

3.      An explanation of the calculations you needed to make to get the right data for your viz.

4.      A description of the user (persona) you have in mind for your dashboard.

5.      A pitch for why a user would want to have this dashboard – try to sell your classmates here.

6.      An explanation of insights gained through the data analysis.

7.      A description for how the analysis could be improved and what is needed to realize that improvement in the next (hypothetical) iteration of your dashboard (more/new/finer data and what that would be, more calculations, more filtering or formatting, etc.).

 Executive Summary Requirements

The executive summary should be at most one page. Use single space, 12 point font, and 1-inch margins. You should strive to make your summary clear, relevant, insightful, and concise. Your executive summary should address everything in the story presentation listed above. In addition to this single page, include an appendix describing the calculated fields you created, how you created them, and why they are needed.


Your assignment will be graded along the following dimensions: 



Did you address the requirements above?


Are your insights interesting and important?


Is your writing clear and concise?


Is your presentation of the findings logical and effective? (i.e., do the vizzes support the findings)


Did you make appropriate use of facts to substantiate your recommendations?


Does your workbook make use of appropriate chart formats, pre-attentive visual attributes, etc.?


Is your write-up suitable for an executive audience?


Your peers’ overall evaluation of the Dashboard based on your in-class presentation.




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