You are to write a program to handle passenger reservations on Tibet Airlines.
Tibet is currently flying the miraculous Microsoft Unijet Airliner
You are to use a class with an array of 25 structures in the private portion of the class.
You are to create an instance of this array of structures in the public portion of the class.
Remember that only a member function can access data members in the private portion of a class.
Your top level menu is to read as
(E)nter the passenger information
(D)isplay the passenger information
(Q)uit the program
Hint: Suggest using a case statement as in
case ‘E’:
case ‘e’:
// Then the rest of your code. This allows for upper & lower case
To enter a single passenger info, the user will press the E key (either upper or lower case)
You will only enter one passenger information for each E menu option selection and then the program will redisplay this top level menu as shown above. You can clear the screen with the system call “system(“CLS”);” without the outside quotes. You are not to require the user to enter all 25 passengers at one time.
The Display menu selection will only display the passenger data that was entered for the number of passengers that were entered. The program will not display all 25 passengers unless all 25 passengers had their data entered into the program. The display format will be
FName: actual data values (e.g., FName: Eric)
LName: actual data values (e.g., LName: Shulman)
FltNum: actual data values (e.g. Flt Num: 123)
Priority: actual string or enumerated type (e.g., Priority: Gold, Tin, Lead)
The structure will have the following information
First Name – Use FName identifier for the variable
Last Name – Use the LName identifier for the variable
Flight Number – Use the identifier FltNum for the variable
Boarding Priority – Use the identifier Priority
Remember to only use one .cpp file and one .h file and follow the class coding standard and requirements in the course syllabus (Especially the rules on initialization of variables and the use of guarding in the .H file). Hint: Guarding is either #pragma once or the #ifndef logic, but not both.
Global variables are not allowed, but global constants are to be used as appropriate. The use of exit and abort are not allowed.
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