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Visual Studio Programming

write an application which will help your organization calculate the cost of your expenses.Write a Visual Basic program to implement the budget application in the diagram


Programming Assignment 6 Instructions


You have been tasked to write an application which will help your organization calculate the cost of your expenses.Write a Visual Basic program to implement the budget application in the diagram below. The program should have a class called BudgetReceipts that keeps track of the balance and provides the ability to add to the income and subtract to the expenses.




1.Form Setup


a.You must save your project using your initials in the name**This is required and the project will not be accepted otherwise.


b.Design your screen to look like the one below.


c.The background image of the form will be set to an appropriate image of your choice.


d.Use appropriate naming conventions for controls and variables.


e.Include access keys for all buttons.


f.The user will not be directed to the net balance field.


g.The balance text box will be read only.


h.Lock all controls.


i.All values must be formatted in currency


j.On the form load, the user is prompted with an input box to enter the starting balance for the balance sheet.The user is prompted until a value is entered.


k.The initial balance is saved by the class.




a.A class is created which uses a get property for the balance, a sub that subtracts the expenses, and sub that controls the income.


b.The class is created separate from the class form.


c.The property balance will be called to display the balance each time


d.The income sub will be used to add to the income


e.The expenses sub will be used to subtract the expenses


3.Income Button


a.When the Income button is selected the application verifies a value is entered in the amount text box.


b.The income button prompts the user for the description of the income the amount is for.


c.If a value is not entered the application presents and error and the program does not continue.


d.The program will call the class to add the value to the balance and then display the total balance to the user using the appropriate property.


e.The income button presents the user with a description of the value and the value amount


f.The textbox amount is cleared.


4.Expense Button


a.When the expense button is selected the application verifies a value is entered in the amount text box.


b.If a value is not entered the application presents and error and the program does not continue.


c.The program will call the class to subtract the value to the balance and then display the balance to the user using the appropriate property.


d.If the balance will go negative the user will be prompted with a message box but the program will continue.


e.The income button presents the user with a description of the value and the value amount


f.The textbox amount is cleared

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