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C++ Programming

The member function named as extractLargestDistanceInfo() that will receive an array of Point objects and its size as Then,


Reminders: Print and turn in all *.h files

Question #1 (5 points)

Complete the following sentence,

We write code to"

Question #2 (5 points)

Complete the following sentence,


·         For the following problems/exercises, the given classes are considered implemented with the members as shown and from your homework.

  • If you need any other tools/functions, you have to declared and implemented first before you can claim their

  • As you are designing and coding, please remember your answers to the above two (2)

// The given classes that have been worked on

// in class homework


  • Program Name: h

  • Discussion: Declaration File -–

  • Fraction class


#ifndef FRACTION_H #define FRACTION_H

class Fraction { public:


Fraction(const Fraction&); Fraction(int, int);

~Fraction() {};

// Member functions

int getNum(void) const; void setNum(int);

int getDenom(void) const; void setDenom(int);

// Other functions shown and implemented in homework

// Write below any of your own/additional function prototypes being

// used in your final exam that are not seen anywhere in your homework.

// And if so, you MUST also provide their function definitions in

// the back of the sheets (indicated with page numbers).


int num; int denom;




  • Program Name: h

  • Discussion: Declaration File --

  • Point Class


#ifndef POINT_H #define POINT_H

#include "fraction.h"

class Point { public:


Point(const Point&);

Point(const Fraction& x, const Fraction& y);

~Point() {

// Your code


// Member Functions shown and implemented in homework

// Write below any of your own/additional function prototypes being

// used in your final exam that are not seen anywhere in your homework.

// And if so, you MUST also provide their function definitions in

// the back of the sheets (indicated with page numbers).


Fraction x;

Fraction y;




  • Program Name: h

  • Discussion: Declaration File --

  • Rectangle Class



#include "fraction.h" #include "point.h"

class Rectangle { public:

// Write below any of your own/additional function prototypes being

// used in your final exam that are not seen anywhere in your homework.

// And if so, you MUST also provide their function definitions in

// the back of the sheets (indicated with page numbers).


Fraction len;

Fraction wid;

Point ul;  // Upper-Left corner




Problem #1 (35 Points)


For class Point, write a member function extractLargestDistanceInfo(), which is specified as below.

  • The member function named as extractLargestDistanceInfo() that will receive an array of Point objects and its size as Then,

Ø  The function will then search for the Point objects that have the same largest distance with respect to the calling Point object; and

  • The information will be returned as an array as follows,

{numberOfPointObjectWithSameLargestDistance, firstIndex, secondIndex,..., lastIndex}

  • The function MUST NOT MODIFY the existing array given as


P0 P5                                       P2




Figure 1.1 The relative positioning of several Point objects

Function Prototype (5 Points) 

Function Definition (30 points)


Problem #2 (25 Points)

For class Rectangle, write a member function named as isContaining() that will

Ø  Receive a Point object as argument; and

  • Return true if the Rectangle object is enclosing (including on the edges/sides) the

Point object, and false otherwise.

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