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Using the GSS 2009 data file, please answer the following question


1. Using the GSS 2009 data file, please answer the following question: Does criminal victimization vary by area of residence? You will use lifevict (ever been a victim of any crime) and luc_rst (urban/rural indicator). (10 marks) 

Please run a cross-tab between the variables and report your results including the chi square value, and whether it is significant or not.  You must also include the following: whether there is an association, the strength, and direction (if applicable) of the association between these two variables. 

2. We want to answer the question: “Does disability vary by age?” (15 marks)

 Please use the following variables in GSS 2009: 

 hal_q410 (are your daily activities at home, work, school limited by a physical condition?) 


agegr5 (age) 


You will need to recode the age variable into three categories: (15-39), (40-59), and (60+). 


Please run a cross-tab between the variables and report your results including the chi square value, and whether it is significant or not.  You must also include the following: whether there is an association, the strength, and direction (if applicable) of the association between these two variables. 



3. We want to examine the effect of physical activity on mental health.  Using CCHS 2012 please provide a scattergram between pacdfm (total number of times per month participated in leisure physical activity or activities lasting more than 15 minutes on pmhdscr (a mental health index with scores ranging from 0 to 70, where higher scores indicate higher levels of positive mental health). For full marks, you must provide the scattergram, title, and fit line. (5 marks)



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