General Instructions I expect you to upload your solutions on Moodle as a single running R Markdown file (.rmd) + its .html output, named
View More..About: Homework 1 tests the relationship between per capita consumption and access to financial institutions using district-level data from India. The
View More..General guidelines The report should be made up of two parts. Make sure that both files contain your full name along with your student number. 1. Main
View More..This assignment will allow you to apply your skills in business analytics on real-world data from the field of e-commerce and customer targeting and p
View More..Assessments Task: To produce an A3 An infographic containing text, tables, and figures to visually represent information on the lifestyle and v
View More..Assignment Note: You will turn in your work independently on this assignment. Conduct all the analyses by SPSS and cut and paste only the relevant out
View More..Specifications: Create the InputDS libref and RawData fileref that are both associated with the data folder on your shared drive. As always, do this
View More..Abstract In this article, we present the development and validation of the Perceived Subtle Gender Bias Index. Given the inherent difficulty in identi
View More..Instructions on Assessment: The module assessment comprises of one individual REPORT, which will count towards 100% of the overall mark. Individual Re
View More..Problem:1 Provide an example (R code) for following: A) create an csv file with 50 row and 5,000 column with some 1)duplicate rows 2) null values. B)
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