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Recent Statistics Questions & Answers

Statistics & Analysis

The course of biostatistics and how to solve problems in stata problem

The course of biostatistics and how to solve problems in stata problem = In the database health.dta, please evaluate the effect of adherence to the Me

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Within the Keynesian model assuming both the price level and money wage are variable

Within the Keynesian model assuming both the price level and money wage are variable, analyze the effects of an increase in the money supply on the le

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The data is currently in an Excel format. You need to import it into Stata and convert it into a Stata dataset

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following questions to the best of your ability.   Ask me if you do not know how to solve any of these questions bef

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R Programming

Part A A study on individual differences in metaphor comprehension tested 76 participants on comprehension of 40 metaphors

COURSEWORK TASKS Part A A study on individual differences in metaphor comprehension tested 76 participants on comprehension of 40 metaphors which we

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Scientific mass appraisal uses linear regression methods to assess property valuation.

1. Property Valuation: Scientific mass appraisal uses linear regression methods to assess property valuation. Twenty-four observations were obtained f

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Use Minitab to analyse the results. Produce a report of the experiment that contains details

Experimental Design Project Objective:  You must plan, conduct, and analyse an experimental design. It cannot an industrial or  work-rela

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A total of 439 individuals completed the survey.Reporting categorical variables

Reporting Sample Size A total of 439 individuals completed the survey. Reporting categorical variables 57.9% of respondents were female and 42.1% w

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Write an class mydata that takes in a vector of numbers and has the methods

  In a single jupyter notebook file named hw2.ipynb create the following: 1. A sorting hat program that, when run, takes in a series of simple

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In this Assignment, you will conduct a meta-analysis based on a specific scenario

Meta-analyses attempt to synthesize the findings of individual research in order to arrive at a conclusion about the body of research that may provide

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R Programming

you’ll need to regress the change in the log oil price on the change in log copper price

Recreate one of the figures from that analysis, using a cleaned csv of the raw data (attached separately). Submit your charts, any code you used to ge

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