This paper examines the temporal behaviour of volatility of daily returns on crude oil
futures using a generalised regime switching model that allows for abrupt changes in mean
and variance, GARCH dynamics, basis-driven time-varying transition probabilities and
conditional leptokurtosis. This flexible model enables us to capture many complex features
of conditional volatility within a relatively parsimonious set-up. We show that regime shifts
are clearly present in the data and dominate GARCH effects. Within the high volatility
state, a negative basis is more likely to increase regime persistence than a positive basis, a
finding which is consistent with previous empirical research on the theory of storage, e.g.
Fama and French 1988a,b and Ng and Pirrong 1994 . The volatility regimes identified by Ž . Ž.
our model correlate well with major events affecting supply and demand for oil. Out-of-sample tests indicate that the regime switching model performs noticeably better than nonswitching models regardless of evaluation criteria. We conclude that regime switching
models provide a useful framework for the financial historian interested in studying factors
behind the evolution of volatility and to oil futures traders interested short-term volatility
forecasts. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Crude oil futures; Conditional volatility; GARCH; Markov switching
1. Introduction
Empirical studies indicate that commodity prices can be extremely volatile at
times. Webb 1987 describes such occasional outburst of volatility as indications of Ž .
a ‘choppy’ market. According to Webb 1987 : Ž ..
Corresponding author.
0140-988302$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 0 - 9 8 8 3 0 1 Ž . 00087-1
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