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Lynette WhiteeGeneral article writing

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Gabriel GaboardiLaw

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Narender PatelMathematics

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Zaiden GarzaResume writing

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Recent Statistics Questions & Answers



1. language sample example docx. - just to REFER. (IT IS ONLY FOR THE LANGUAGE SAMPLE TEMPLATE)   2. Language learning story forma

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Java Programming

Create a java class about a 3D geometrical figure of your choice.

Objects and Classes Homework Instructions: Points will be deducted for each instruction that’s not followed.   Please submit one source fi

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Java Programming

Design a menu driven program that performs the users choice of the following functions the program exit should also be a users choice

Module 8 - Code design and Implementation Assignment  Once more only 1 choice to implement this module. Naming convention: Project name “su

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C++ Programming

This project will expand Project 2 by adding additional functionality and implementing abstract data types ADT through classes

CS 202 - Computer Science II Project 3  Due date (FIXED): Monday, 7/29/2019, 3:00 pm  Objectives: The two main objectives of this project ar

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Raptor Programming

Final Project covers content learned from Modules 2 through 14 In Module 11 you will submit a startup report for your final project

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Python Programming

Write a Python program to perform the following tasks

ICT 133 Structured Programming  Tutor-Marked Assignment  July 2019 Presentation  ICT 133 Tutor-Marked Assignment  TUTOR-MARKED ASS

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A Pololu Zumo Robot but use its 6 sensors to navigate the attached course

A Pololu Zumo Robot but use it’s 6 sensors to navigate the attached course.   It must begin at the short line at the top; You must calibrat

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he third project is a combinatoric problem concerning the words given in sgb words.txt

Project Three: Packing Words in Bins  The Problem To Solve  The third project is a combinatorial problem concerning the words given in sgb-w

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C Programming

Write Unix commands to perform the following tasks

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C++ Programming

Write a function that takes a pointer to an array of integers and return a pointer to a dynamically created array that contains all numbers but in reverse order

CMP 220L – Programming II1D and 2D dynamic arrays with file I/O LAB 2  Question 1: (1D Dynamic Array)  Write a function that takes a p

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